Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Andrew Keen "Solutions" Response

Andrew Keen thinks he is the protector of everything that is sacred in the world of digital technology and internet related content. Keen said, "Our goal should be to preserve our culture and our values, while enjoying the benefits of today's internet capabilities. We need to find a way to balance the best of the digital future without destroying the institutions of the past." What he is trying to say is that he thinks that we are destroying everything we believe in as a society, and that sites like Wikipedia, YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook are destroying our digital future.
Larry Sanger, who is one of the guys that founded Wikipedia is a person that Keen really dislikes and talks a lot about. Keen believes that Wikipedia is the worst site to retrieve information from because anyone can dump false information on the site. He believes that amateurs should not be writing information on a site that anyone can get information off of, and that information posted on a site like that should be left to the experts. Also he thinks that there is no control of content or quality for the thousands of posts a day on this site.
In my opinion Andrew Keen needs to chill out. He is like the Simon Cowell of Journalism. It seems like he's trying to protect everyone from the dangers of the internet, but in all actuality that's impossible. We live in a world where user-generated content is very popular. It's also considered a great tool for self-expression. I believe that it's not our moral obligation to protect mainstream media from amateurs on the internet who just want to express themselves.