Monday, February 22, 2010

Digital Nation Conclusion

My last blog was in response to what I learned so far in this video and what I wanted to learn more about when finishing this video. The video didn't talk much more about how technology affects your brain in a bad way, but it talked more about how technology has evolved as a communication tool to make life easier and more satisfying.
Almost everyone uses some type of technology in their life to help deal with everyday issues. This video focused on people playing a game like World of Warcraft to break away from reality. These people can meet other players online from all over the world. Some of these players make friends with other players, and in some cases have even married other players. Other people use Second Life as a way to socialize with other people they wouldn't talk to in real life using avatars in a fantasy setting, or to have online work related meetings with people from all over the world. The army even uses war video games and simulation to get young kids interested in war. This is a way to get them interested in war so maybe in the future they will join the army.
All of these types of technology have impacted their users in some way. Some people have had their lives changed for the better and some for the worse, but technology will always be their as a simple tool to help create an easier world to live in.

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