Monday, April 26, 2010

The Future is Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the next fundamental change both in how websites are created and, more importantly, how people interact with them. This will be much different from the early Web 1.0, which was an information dump where people read websites but rarely interacted with them. Also different from Web 2.0, which is an interactive and social web facilitating collaboration between people. In my opinion Web 3.0 will begin to reshape the web in around 5 years or so.
It's a guessing game to try and figure out what Web 3.0 will be like, but I believe that it will be the next great breakthrough in web technology. It's possible that we have an Artificially Intelligent Web 3.0. Where many people ponder the use of advanced artificial intelligence as the next big breakthrough on the web. One of the chief advantages of social media is that it factors in human intelligence. For example, social bookmarking as a search engine can provide more intelligent results than using Google. You are getting websites that have been voted on by humans, so you have a better chance at hitting a good website. Also there is already a lot of work going into the idea of a semantic web, which is a web where all information is categorized and stored in such a way that a computer can understand it as well as a human. Many view this as a combination of artificial intelligence and the semantic web. The semantic web will teach the computer what the data means, and this will evolve into artificial intelligence that can utilize that information. We could even have a Web 3.0 based on a virtual world because games like World of War Craft are so popular. Web 3.0 could be a part of the increasing popularity of mobile internet devices and the merger of entertainment systems and the Web. This will make the Internet always present in our lives no matter where we go. The future of the internet is Web 3.0.

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